Snapshots for models

Snapshots are a must-have for any professional model. They are a collection of simple technical photos that are sent out to agencies so that they could have a clear understanding of the model’s appearance. Authenticity is one of the most important features of snaps as they shouldn’t contain any editing, retouching, styling or make-up.


The goal of professional model snaps is to showcase the model’s features. Snapshots should be taken in simple clothes (the classic options are black swimsuit or underwear; or black skinny jeans with monochrome top). Jewellery and make-up are out of the question as well.


There’s no need to get creative with poses. One should just have a simple upright posture with the arms hanging down along the body in a natural relaxed way.


What kind of photos are required for snapshots?


The exact types of photos and their requirements may vary depending on the agency, but overall you need full-length shots from front, sides, back and 3/4 turn, and a couple of full-face, 3/4 and profile headshots.


Do I need snap photography services?

Many models make the mistake of assuming they can just make their snaps by themselves with their phones. But because snaps essentially sell the model to the agencies and beyond, it’s best to have them taken in a proper photo studio for snaps by a professional. If you’re looking to get your snaps in Dubai, our studio is happy to provide our snap photography services to help you jumpstart your modelling career!

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